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Ambulance 6-10
Picture coming soon...

2013 Ford F-550 4×4 Horton 603F
1 Stryker Power-PRO XT stretcher with Power-LOAD system.
Ambulance 6-11

2019 Ford F-550 4×4 Horton 603F
1 Stryker Power-PRO XT stretcher with Power-LOAD system.
Ambulance 6-12
Picture coming soon...

2009 Horton Navistar International. 4x2 with 365Hp, 1350 ft-lb and 50gal tank.
2 manual Stryker MX-PRO stretchers.

MSHVFAS would like to thank VCI Emergency Vehicle Specialists for assisting us in maintaining our fleet of ambulances.
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